Tips on how to support your matriculant

On 25 October, thousands of learners in South Africa will sit for their final Senior Certificate exam. Writing the final exam can be stressful for many learners, as it determines whether they will be able to further their education. 

Being stressed during an exam can affect academic performance. Therefore, parents must ensure that their matriculant receives all the support they need. In this article, we share tips on how parents can support their matriculants so they can succeed. 

Create a conducive learning environment at home 

Learners who are in matric are already working under a lot of pressure. Therefore, their environment should be free from distractions as much as possible. Create a space at home that allows your matriculant to study without being disturbed. 

For instance, if a learner has to study at certain times, everyone in the household has to respect that time. That means when they have to study; no one should expect them to do chores. Creating an environment with fewer distractions will help to alleviate some of the stress. If your child needs to do specific tasks, try to plan those around their study schedule so they are either done ahead of time or after they finish studying. 

Be Supportive

As a parent, you know your child’s strengths and weaknesses, which makes you better prepared to deal with any challenges they may encounter. However, they might not always say when they are struggling, so your matriculant must know you are there to support them if they require your assistance. Constantly check in with your child to see where they are struggling and how you can best help them. 

Ensure they get plenty of rest 

Getting plenty of sleep and rest is one of the essential things every matric learner needs during exams. Research shows that there’s a link between sleep and performance. According to a study by McGill University and the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, children who got better sleep performed better at school. Ensure your matriculant gets plenty of quality sleep so they can focus during their exam. 

Help them create a study schedule. 

Creating a study schedule can go a long way to help the learner better prepare for their matric exam. 

SPARK Randburg High’s Operations and Blended Learning Manager, Chelsea Maher, says it is important that the schedule includes what the learner will be studying each day, what times they will be studying, and breaks between studying. The study schedule can be put in a visible place in the house so everyone can know the study times and how to best support the learner. 

Good nutrition and exercise 

It is a no-brainer that eating healthy and exercising can improve academic performance. During exams, learners must ensure that they eat a well-balanced diet to help them perform at their best. 


Matric learners need all the help they can get from their parents and teachers to do well in their matric exams. 

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