SPARK Schools Scholar Support for Mid-Year Enrolment

Enrol your child and join the SPARK family today! We ensure that whether your child joins us in January, June, or October, you and your SPARK scholar experiences a smooth transition. Let us take you through the process and benefits of mid-year enrolment to ease your mind and spark your interest!

How it Works

The Application Process

Enrolment at SPARK Schools is on a first-come, first-served basis and is not based on an entrance assessment of any kind. The application process includes completing the full application form, making note of your child’s grade level in the upcoming school year as well as your preferred SPARK school.
Once this has been submitted you will receive an e-mail with a request for all required documentation.
This includes the signed and initialled parent contract together with the non-refundable application fee and first month’s fee.
After SPARK Schools has received the all required documentation, your child’s enrolment will be confirmed via e-mail within 10 working days.

Age Acceptance

To be accepted for Grade R, your child must turn 5 years old by 30 June of their Grade R year.
So, children applying for Grade R may be 4 years old, as long as they turn 5 by 30 June.
Children in Grade 1 may be 5 but must turn 6 years old by 30 June of their Grade 1 year.
For all other grade levels, the child must have completed the previous grade level.

Inter-network Transfers

Have you relocated and would you like to transfer your scholar to one of our schools located closer to your new home or workplace? We are happy to accommodate your transfer request where a space is available in your child’s grade level. The first internal transfer will have no administration fee but any transfers thereafter, within the same academic year, will be charged.

Support for Scholars

SPARK Schools is the first blended learning school on the African continent, our personalised learning model helps children adapt to their new and exciting learning environment without any formal bridging programs required.
Through small group learning in the classroom and individualised pacing on the software in our Learning Labs (computer labs), SPARK is able to differentiate learning for your child. As soon as your child enrols at SPARK, we will begin working alongside you to identify their academic strengths and weaknesses and ensure they feel comfortable and confident at their new school.
Children who enrol at SPARK mid-year find it easy to adjust to the SPARK-y way of doing things! Through our social-emotional learning curriculum and classroom management strategies centred around our core values, they quickly make friends and feel comfortable taking part in activities throughout the school day.

Support for Parents

SPARK finds it as important to provide emotional support and active integration to parents as it does to its scholars. If you enrol your child at SPARK mid-year, you will be invited to meet with your child’s teachers so that you can share more about your child with them.
You are also welcome to attend the school leadership team’s weekly “open hours”. This session does not require an appointment to chat with the Principal, Assistant Principals, and School Operations Manager, should you have any queries or concerns.
Finally, you can be introduced to a “veteran” SPARK Schools parent through each school’s Class Parent Body, so that you can get a fellow parent’s perspective on this type of transition.
The SPARK Schools enrolment process is simple, making it easy to secure a great education for your child. Contact us today, we would love for you to join the SPARK family!

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