As we near the end of the school year, students will be getting ready for their end-of-year exams. Preparing and studying for exams can be stressful, especially if you haven’t found a study strategy that works for you. We’ve come up with four study strategies to help you effectively study for your exams.
Create a study a schedule for exams
Getting ready for exams can be daunting and sometimes frustrating if you don’t have a proper plan. Before you start studying for exams, write up a study schedule. This can include the days you will be studying, times and break time in between studying. Put your study schedule in a visible place that everyone can see at home. Putting your study schedule in a visible place like the fridge will ensure that everyone at home knows when it’s your study time. This will help everyone work around your study schedule and not give you chores when you have to study.
Find a study method that works
In a previous interview Clinical psychologist, Dr Ian Opperman explained that it was important that learners find a study method that works for them. Having a study method that works for you ensures that you retain the information, Dr Opperman explained.
Find a space that is comfortable for you
Find a comfortable space that is free from distractions. Learning in a relaxed environment with no distractions will help you to focus and retain the information.
Studying in a space where people walk in and out is not the best idea, as you will constantly be distracted. Find an area that is conducive to learning and will help you focus and be less distracted.
Ask someone to quiz you on the things you’ve studied
According to an article on Havard Health publishing, asking yourself questions while you study helps you retain information. It also assists with identifying the areas you still need to focus on. You can request a friend or a parent to ask you questions after every study session. If you still have things you don’t understand, you can go back and study them until you’ve retained all the information.
Get plenty of sleep and eat healthy foods
Taking care of your body by fueling it with healthy food is essential when you have to study. Ensure that you are eating a healthy diet and snack on fruits instead of sweet treats. Getting plenty of sleep is also critical to your wellness. If you are well-rested, you’ll be able to study effectively and be well prepared for your exams.
While exams can be stressful, preparation will help eliminate the stress.