5 ways to prepare you to stay calm during your exams

So you’ve done all the groundwork and studies for your exams, but your nerves are still getting the better of you. In this article, we share five tips to help you prepare for staying calm during your exams. 

Exams are stressful even for the most prepared students, but preparing for exams doesn’t always relieve the pressure. 

Minor Impact, Family Mediator and Life Coach Rushka Lee Pedro shares some tips to help learners stay calm during exams. 

Eat healthy foods

Several studies have shown that eating healthy food can improve the brain’s performance. For example, foods such as eggs, broccoli and blueberries are known to help with brain development. This article from Healthline shares a list of foods that help power up the brain and improve memory. 

Lee Pedro advises eating healthy snacks and plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. 

Drink water and limit your sugar. Eat healthy snacks and ‘brain food’ like fish and avocados.“ she says. 


There’s no doubt that exercise plays an essential role in dealing with stress. With exams being a stressful time, staying fit will help your brain perform better. 

“Keep fit! When you exercise, it increases your energy levels, and your health gets rid of unwanted toxins in your body. Keeping active is a major part of a Healthy Brain,” says Lee Pedro. 


Meditation has been proven over and over again that it can keep you calm.  Lee Pedro advises taking a stroll in the yard or doing some meditation to keep you calm.

For children, this can get a bit challenging; however, it doesn’t have to be! By playing calming music in the background during studying periods or using some calming essential oils around the house does wonders for their exam anxiety.”


When you are going through a stressful situation such as exams, it might sound ridiculous when someone tells you to breathe; breathing won’t only help you stay calm, but it will also help you focus.  

Limit distractions

As much as it is fun to watch your favourite shows on TV, you have to limit screen time during exams. This will allow you more time to focus all your energy on retaining the information you’ve studied for your exams. 

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